Feels Ambition Outweighs Capacity? Try Reusable Bag Gift Idea

4 min readFeb 10, 2020


Marketers, how often have you felt the target given by CEOs are ambitious?

Ambitious targets set by business heads on their marketing team is nothing new. CEOs have the policy to make maximum out of their investment. They expect ROI and exert pressure on their C-Level executives to realise revenue growth. The top guns pass their pressure to the lower rung of the hierarchy. The pressure trickles down.


A few have the gumption to ask on the practicability of reaching the target. Such ones can expect boss barbs and will be interpreted as negative minded.

Marketing team knows how to play diplomacy when bosses set ambitious targets upon them. Quote often, the way to escape is nodding the head at the outset, then trying their best to achieve a target that may come closer to the figure.

As a marketer, you may be in a small and medium firm or you are working in a swanky office of a large corporate. Your success depends on building a brand that has authority over competitors or consumers in the market. But the target is the problem.

Building great brands are no mean task. It requires extraordinary effort.

Any damn fool can put on a deal, but it takes genius, faith, and perseverance to create a brand.

David Ogilvy, British Ad Tycoon.


Communications play a vital role in creating perceptions. Communications can be verbal or in nonverbal forms. Everything depends on how you present your products and services as superior, what guarantee you offer, or how fast you can supply, then its style, value etc.

Even big companies find it tough to sustain their brands. We have seen how a big company like Nokia fell flat in the competition despite their good name and reputation among consumers.

Gifts Work

At Bags247, we have come across several marketing woes and had come out with appropriate gifting strategies that helped companies in brand recall. Our core strength is in helping firms to get exposure each day.

From our own experience working with B2B/B2C clients as well as findings from research we can confirm:

5 in 10 products stated they come in contact with promotional products most of the time or all times of the day.

A key fact marketing heads should note down to increase budget allocation for corporate gifting activities.

Choose the Right Gift

Your primary function is engaging and gathering interest through your email marketing or social media marketing. Go ahead with that, but still, you need to make them love you with a gifting strategy preferably with a cotton shopping bags one.

We recommend you to buy reusable bags at wholesale price. When you buy cotton bags bulk online, you will get them at a discounted price. Since price is a concern, we suggest this route.

Look for the next event that happens in your city. If you are a large conglomerate, you can list out all major events/expos Australia wide. Bags247 has presence all over Australia and we have the infrastructure to despatch any number of quantities in Australia.

Combine Different Approach

Our original discussion is around managing ambitious targets. Quite often what happens is, when we have authority in the market, customers come to our terms. For that, you should have a big picture strategy to climb up. Let us explore them in detail.

Although we sowed the seeds through our communication, it takes time to monetise. That is why we need to nurture our leads through social media platforms. Inform them about the event they are likely to participate and your participation also.

Events are venues where you show your cordiality. You need to work in tandem with the organisers on your sponsorship. This is going to be a crucial part where you are going to impress your target audience through verbal and non-verbal communications.

Tote Bags

Gifting is one sort of communication. Imagine you have a gift in mind like bags. You identified a gift partner to order cotton tote bags wholesale. Cotton bags have excellent looks. People can keep their belongings like stationery in tote bags. Express your happiness to gift the delegates. You have done your part of strategic seduction.

Brand building requires extraordinary efforts. Marketers in their smaller capacities can exhibit the concern of the delegate with small talk and tell about the utility of the tote bags.

Like Currencies, Gifts Add Worth When Pass On

When currency pass from one person to another it gets more value. Like currency, gifts also pass on from one hand to other hands. For example, the male delegate will hand over the tote bag to his daughter. When she carries it to her social circle people took note of the bag, observe the logo of your company and the stunning copy also. Yes, you enhance your exposure.

Have confidence.

83% more likely to do business with brands they have received promotional products from than brands they have not received.

This is a finding of PPAI research. After working with several companies and trying out with diverse gifting strategies we feel it is absolutely correct when it comes to experience brand exposure.

It is important you realise that you, not your product, create the value.

John Morgan, Author of Brand Against the Machine.

It doesn’t matter you are a small firm. What matters is the reliability you have created in solving the problem of people. With the right product and services combining appropriate gifting strategy in place, it is not a difficult task to achieve ambitious targets. You can achieve.

Happy branding



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