‘Mistakes happen’ won’t work, then what works in your cotton bags promotions.
Mistakes happen, oh! what is there in it. Some people are too complacent about their trials. They are surefooted about their success although an observer cannot see the logic in it. But the adventurers keep on continuing with their efforts. So is the case with some marketing professionals who try with printed shopping bags in their promotional activities.
Those who do adventures are in different categories. The reason for saying this is, some out of sheer helplessness also resort to adventurism and get nothing out from their efforts.
So, the first category is the aimless one. It can be out of the strange imagination to explore new without any sound logic in their decision. It can also due to the wrong advice of the people around them like managers who gave flawed suggestions in marketing or decision making. No one knows such evil ones are in the payrolls of the competitor or they give their piece of advice from their ‘understanding’. One thing is sure, those who are in leadership should not take for granted every piece of advice they listen during business meetings.
An interesting attribute on these adventurers is, they are like ships tossed on the sea by every wind but not reaching anywhere. They go to one direction thinking that it is right but suddenly wind blowing from another direction take them all together to another direction which they feel okay. In this process, what happens is they lose the credibility and those who are associated with these leaders will jump the ship and join elsewhere. Sooner than later, they become extinct.
The second category is those who don’t make any deviations. We can come across many who are very inflexible in their approach. The problem with them is they go by the same old strategy they have been employing for several years together.
Of course, they make minor tweaks in their tactics out of compulsion certainly not due to the conviction. And there are chances for the strategy to fail because they might not have given any leeway to those who had implemented the strategy by buying cotton bags online bulk. The leaders simply rail at the managers, forcing them to leave. Later by default, the company fails to compete with others and die down.
By way of a reality check, the case mentioned above is a traditionalist who is averse to risks. We know very well marketing is about taking risks and coming up with new strategies and action plans to manage emerging challenges. But the above-mentioned company head had an inherent fear on the outcome of the strategies and was not bold enough to pursue the same.
Let us see how the mind works in this case. First of all, he or she who heads the company had a stint of success, maybe, some time back. Theoretically speaking they were correct also. But what happened was due to changes in the market the old strategy lost its viability. He was not believing that and had faith in the old ways. But time made it in such a way that it stopped working forever. If anyone feels that repeated failures will change this person then you go wrong. He/she will never change as a result bout to perish.
There is a third group of course. If one looks that group from outside, they may appear normal people certainly not extraordinary ones. But in their small capacity, they want to script success stories and the only way they choose for that is taking risks.
They knew only one thing — bigger the risk the greater the reward and no risk, no reward. In one sense it is true as there are chances to reap rewards or lose whatever existing. Keeping the risk-reward factor in mind they always keep a stock of cotton carry bags sourced online, invest in promotions and wait for the results. Sometimes luck favours them and other times they don’t get expected results. If they get success, they talk big about promotions and if they fail, they blame it on cotton bags promotions.
Let us go deep into their psychology. They have a passion or zeal to do something big. They will not be acknowledged by their peers and they survive in business just because they try something anew. Their philosophy is to be on the war front and fight constantly. The reason they don’t stop the war is that they don’t have anything else to do other than that.
They lack huge backup or supporters to sustain them in the event of their failures. So, the only option is to do or die by being in the battlefront. In such a scenario, they can remain as a run of the mill player in the market tapping every opportunity to their advantage and meet failures if necessary, on and off. But they are patient and they know pretty well only with faith, hope, and patient continuation of promotional marketing they can remain in the market. Those who know the philosophy of life count them as wise people as they know ‘change is the only constant thing’. And they will become successful someday or the other.
Now our focal point is we should not make cotton bags promotions mistake. If you do promos with the bad with a title ‘mistakes happen’ you are bound to fail because people won’t get any inspiration from looking at the message from the bag. Are we going to reach our target audience or settle family disputes with such message like ‘we all make mistakes’? We need to think again. That is why we should be wise and prudent in giving a message to the cotton muslin drawstring bags we promote to create unique impressions.
On the other hand, if you put an inscription, ‘Mistakes are proof you are trying’, then there is a meaning in your promos as you are motivating a person who is demotivated by failures. We cannot find anyone in the world reaching atop without making mistakes. On the other hand, he or she is the one who constantly tried without thinking about defeats and came out with flying colours after repeated trials, lessons learnt and became perfect today. You too the same. So move on.