5 min readMay 18, 2020

3 Burlap Bags Basics You Should Review Constantly

With so many bags available in the market we have a definite confusion on why what and how to use a bag especially the burlap ones. We use many bags at home like printed non-woven bags and there is a basic purpose behind every bag that we normally attribute as basics. An interesting philosophy we need to learn is, with the right basics we have endless options even for bags also.

Yeah, let us get back to basics. Once we identify the basics, we can stick to that and review constantly as and when required. So, what will come to mind when we think or meditate about the basics of a burlap bag.


First of all, it is natural. We all love naturality than artificiality in a product. For example, the natural smell of the earth when it rains. Or, the smell of a flower, its fragrance pervading its surroundings. Comparing to this, our interest in artificiality will be lesser and we may not be able to understand why because by nature we are like that.

Burlap bags comes in its natural colour and it also emits a scent of the fibre, therefore, we like it. Now the question will come, how we can review it with its natural feature.

Normally we use burlap bags to carry groceries, fruits, or anything related to food crops like grains. When we carry semi ripened mangoes to the market, we can attract many customers with the wonderful smell because mango scent that mixes with jute fibre odour will produce rich aroma and people will feel the mango has an extra quality that is why it smells so good. Now the challenge before the vendors is if you are not able to sell your fruits easily spread the fruits on a mat of burlap bags, used ones and keep the leaves also of the fruit. It will have a special effect on a natural booster to attract the customer. This is how we are going to review the application of burlap bags.


The next important feature is its biodegradability. We all know how the earth gets polluted day by day due to the mixing of non-biodegradable materials on earth. So, when we popularise burlap bags for more applications whatever waste originated due to burlap bags will be easy to decompose and becomes natural soil. So, what is the lesson we can learn from this? Yeah, when we increase the use of burlap bags instead of bags made of other materials, we create many disposable burlap bags which we use more and other canvas bags we use rarely. The more we throw the more it benefits the earth.

That means the canvas bags at our homes are for certain occasions and the burlap bags are for overuse which we do and dispose of it in the safe hands of mother earth which will easily convert them to natural soil. We are at an advantage here where we save the cost of buying more stylish bags like custom printed tote bags as we use them for a special purpose and keep them clean, shiny and use them longer.

We all need to understand biodegradability is a basic feature in a burlap bag. Now let us think about how we can review it constantly. The best way to review the use of burlap bags is just overusing it. In your work area, you can use them as doormats. Or, you can spread it over and create a small cushion for your dog or cat. In this way, we can save the cost of any luxury cushion for our pets.

Let us think creatively. An overused burlap bag we can use as sheets to place our grains and dry if necessary so that they will remain fresh. You can try out different uses for yourself and derive the maximum value. That is how you are going to review your burlap bags constantly.

Transport bags

Look at the roads we find diverse kinds of vehicles. If the vehicle is a Swedish Volvo or a German Volkswagen, or US Ford, then your approach or expectation of the vehicle will be different. At that point ask a question to yourself. What is your expectation about a truck? For example, both serve the same purpose as transport.

Herein comes the relevance of common utility vs. status expectations. You use a cotton tote bag printed to go to a mall. If one carries a burlap bag in its stead, it will surely invoke the laughter of others. But one can also ask a question what is wrong with it? Nothing wrong, but a few have the gumption to do so. That is the fact where we maintain or want to maintain a set standard in our life. When we do so it brings satisfaction and when we transgress them it amounts to tell that we do not belong to a league of sophisticated people.

The crux of the matter here is burlap bags are meant for transport and it is its basic use or quality. Now the question emerges is, how we can review them constantly? Let us have a case study.

We use transport vehicles purely for transport purposes. But there are times one may be forced to use them for commuting when the vehicles at home have undergone a breakdown. It happens in such a way that our vehicles we are driving suddenly developed a mechanical problem and need to be towed away to our home or the nearest service centre. How many of you have undergone this?

Oh! till getting a new one

At that stage what you will do? Like a castaway in a shipwreck waves his hand to attract a ship, be it a pirate ship also to reach ashore, we show our hands for a lift from a transport vehicle that just passes by. Similarly, we use the burlap bags for lifestyle use also when our premium bags’ handles are torn or unfit for use still it gets a re-stitching. Or in a worst-case scenario like throwing it away and buy a new bag. Till that time, we need a bag, even a burlap bag that will serve our purpose. Herein lies the wisdom of looking for printed burlap bags for sale. Don’t we?

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